Undergraduate Course
The Listening Project will be offered as an undergraduate course that trains students in the practice of transformative interviewing, a research method used to disrupt stereotyping and to foster connection. It is a tool based on the science of human connection that tells a five-part story of who we are as humans, how stereotypes get in the way and cause a crisis of connection, the consequences of the crisis, and the solutions. Transformative interviewing is a solution to the crisis of connection. Each class is divided into two parts: Discussing the course reading and learning the method.
The Listening Project has been taught as an undergraduate course internationally at NYU Abu Dhabi and in Ethiopia in participation with the Ethiopian Education Foundation.
Bring transformative interviewing to your community.
We provide week-long workshops in transformative interviewing to university communities. In January 2021, the Listening Project was offered in three 4-day workshops through NYU Steinhardt to a group of administrators, faculty, and students at NYU. Participants in the workshop are encouraged to integrate concepts from the Listening Project into their courses and advising sessions. These workshops are part of a greater Steinhardt initiative to counteract racism and increase a sense of connection between students and staff. These workshops will continue to be offered on a monthly basis. Read participants' testimonials below.
If you are interested in participating in the Listening Project Workshop, please fill out the sign up form here.